
Wednesday, 19 June 2019

our food experment last week

Throughout the tern we have been looking at what we could cook for C.I.P. Also we have been doing a food budget Challenge. The budget was $2. We made half a fruit smoothie. We brought our ingredients from the Pack'n Save mall. We have also been having help with MT. We have all been working together and helping together.  Most of us managed to get under the budget. 

We have been self-managing ourselves with this job and have been working really hard. 

After all; we have had a lot of fun and we got to eat what we made and explain to each other our  food experiment.

Here was our Aim-

Aim: We are trying to make Ham and lettuce rolls. We are also trying to save money to buy the ingredients. Our budget for our ingredients is $12 and under.


Thursday, 6 June 2019

My learning story/Science

Title: Home Chemistry / Writing Hurumanu
Name: Aisa
Teachers: Ds & Pl
Date: 6 June/2019
Year 8 Graduate Profile
People Smart
  • I listen to understand people’s ideas and opinions
  • I can work successfully with others
  • I understand how my feelings and actions can affect others
  • I act responsibly even when no one is watching
  • I can give useful feedback to others
  • I take responsibility for my own actions
  • I am an outstander – I choose to help others who are having a difficult time
Active Learner
  • I am a curious learner – I ask questions
  • I use feedback to improve my learning
  • I have a growth mindset
  • I know what my next steps are
  • I share my ideas and point of view with different people
Learning Smart
  • I am organised and have everything that is needed for my learning
  • I complete my work in the time I’m given
  • I am punctual by being in the right place at the right time
  • I manage my emotions when I am frustrated or challenged
  • I ask for help when I don’t understand what to do
Thinking Smart
  • I can reflect on my learning
  • I understand others’ opinions and ideas
  • I can think critically
  • I can think creatively
  • I use the internet and devices in a safe way
  • I can be trusted to use my device for the task I am meant to be doing
  • I can use digital tools creatively
  • I can use digital tools for different purposes
Values & Skills
Skills I have displayed
  • Aerodynamics
  • Crystals
  • Skittles
  • Barefoot
  • Measuring
  • Fornis/Science
  • A Filtration plant
  • Forensic
  • Balloons

...I work well and successfully with friends and mates, but I like working with other people who don’t diss track me or muck around well i’m doing my work. ...

  • Goal 1- I have been listening to Mr. Palmer and listening to his and other people's ideas and opinions so that I can understand what to do. Second my goal for this year is to use my ears to listen so i know how to do the experiment.

  • Goal 2- I am a curious learner and I ask questions so I can be a great learner.  Also I ask questions so that if I make a mistake I can learn by mistakes. My goal for this year is to ask questions and learn from my mistakes.
  • Goal: 3- I complete work in time im given. When the teacher gives me a time to complete my work i complete and publish work on time that i’m given. My goal also for this term is to publish work I blog and complete work the time im given.
  • Goal 4- I understand other people's ideas and opinions on what they ask or say. If i don't understand something then i go home and work on my comprehension. My goal for science and this term is to understand and work on my understanding so i can understand people's ideas and opinions in science.
  • Teachers and friends trust me to use their devices because they know that i am kind and respectful and they also know that i take care of things. My goal for this term is to be trusted with devices and to take care of the devices.

What i have been doing and what i have learned in science/Home chemistry:

Throughout this term my class have been doing some work on Science and home chemistry. Half way through the term we learned alot about Aerodynamic. What I have learned about Aerodynamic is the, Gravity, lift, Drag, and the thrust. We found that the normal plane flew straight for 5 metres. Secondly the Ailerons also directed straight as well and it flew 3 metres. Also with using the paper clip, the paper plane flew 5 metres and it flew straight but curved a little bit. Here are some words and parts of a plane I have learned. What I have learned about thrust is that thrust directs the plane to where it is going, so if the captain turns the wheel to the left then the thrust will direct the plane to the left. Secondly I have learned lots about Gravity.

Also near the half way through the term we done some work on crystals and how salt and sugar are crystals and also how they were made and how the salt forms underwater. What I have learned about how salt forms is that salt forms in sea water and is typically formed by the evaporation of salty water.

Also through the term we have been measuring each other to the where we are at with our height and our foot length. We measured Nikos foot and found out that it was 27cm and we also measured Ryan's foot and we found out that it was 22cm. Secondly we measured lasa's foot and he got 28 cm. After we measured our foots we measured our heights. Nikos height was 166 cm and Ryan's height was 152 cm and lasa's height 174cm.

Also we having been looking at our fingerprints by using a balloon. What we done was we had black ink and put our finger or thumb on it then we put it on the balloon and scanned it.


Student’s Comment
I enjoy doing science with mr. Palmer and Whaea  Raewyn. Also i enjoy spending time and learning with Sh and 7DS.

Teacher Comment

Whānau Comment

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Kahawai story/Reading

Discussion Doc

WALT: use what we already know to make meaning within a story.

Work on this Doc together with a buddy, or in a group of 3.

When do you think this story takes place? I.e. If in the future, how many years into the future?

Is this the first time Āreta and Trish have taken the boat out fishing. Yes/ No

How do you know?
Yes because it says in the next text.

What do you think the author means by regular people when he says “...back when regular people could still get petrol.”?
Normal people.

In this story, what exactly does the Forest refer to?
The forest is place with big trees and animals with a lot of grass.

Where is this story set do you think?
In the swamp with other boats.
What are the clues that tell you this?
The pictures that are in the book.

Why is Grandma Trish so excited to find a Kahawai again. What has happened to them?
Because Trish fought a Kahawai.
    Explain why you think this.
Because it's miracle.

Why do Trish and Āreta let the Kahawai go back into the water?
Because there might be a whole school of Kahawai.

Budget challenge

Ham and lettuce rolls

Aim: We are trying to make Ham and lettuce rolls. We are also trying to save money to buy the ingredients. Our budget for our ingredients is $12 and under.

we managed to get under the budget.

Ingredients :
Ham/ 1.99 Hellers X2 = $3
Manuka Smoked Shaved Leg Ham (Pak n save ).

Lettuce/=2.25 (Countdown)
Fresh produce lettuce wrapped (iceberg)

Bread.1.39 (Pak n save)
Sunny crust wholemeal toast bread.

Juice/4 (Pak n save)
Just juice tropical 2.4l

Total: 11.61.

Step one. Butter wholemeal bread .
Step two: Put ham in bread .
Step three : A Lot of lettuce .
Step four: Enjoy.
And there is also juice so yeah juice>.