
Thursday, 19 March 2020

100 word challenge

Through the week we have been working on some of our writing, so we decided to make a challenge which is called the 100 word challenge. What we do, is that the teacher gives us names of anything then we have to use the words in our story, and here is some words our amazing teacher gave us......

Black, Banana, Jump, Damaged

One day there was a Black banana that was bigger than a building. The day the Black banana was introduced to the world, was on February 12th 1815. The Black banana was one of the heaviest bananas in the world. It was now 1934 and the banana started to get old and damaged. Before it was damaged, the spooky banana was transformed into a huge monster that had shocked the world. The banana done one jump and it damaged the world's ground.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Hornby Athletics Day

Yesterday, Hornby High had athletics day. It was a good day, the sun was shining and people were having fun participating in the events. 

I participated in discus and sprints. In my opinion, I thought I went really well and was committed to discus. I felt excited before I went up for discus, then after I had threw the discus, I felt amazed on how far I threw the discus. 

When I went up for sprints, I felt about nervous because people were watching and I was not really that fast, but then I thought about God and said to myself, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter what people think just do it".

I demonstrated the HHS CARR values by being showing commitment by giving the events my best. Also I have been encouraging my friends and others well them never giving up on their events. Secondly I achieved something which was throwing the discus further than I threw it last year.

I was proud of myself for competing in some events that Im not really good at.

Next time, its athletics day, I will try even more harder and maybe enter into to competitive.

My results:
High jump:1.5 Metre
Long jump 3.5 Metre
1500: 9 minutes
50 metre: 9.5 sec
Discus: 21.3 metres